10 Healing Plants That Will Grow Like Crazy Even in Humid, Dimly Lit Bathrooms

6. Dracaena

The “Dragon Plant” comes in more than forty varieties. It’s long, spear-like leaves range in width from very fine and thin to a couple of inches wide.

Available in solid green, greenish-maroon, and variegated colorations. The leaves emerge from relatively thick, trunk-like stems.

This plant is a real workhorse as air purifying plants for bathrooms. It prefers artificial light to natural light and will scorch in bright sunlight.

This low-care plant does very well with just the high humidity levels you would expect to find in a bathroom.

7. Philodendron

The “philo” comes in many shapes and size. Large and small, medium-light, low care tropical plants with glossy green, variegated and even maroon colored leaves.

The split-leaf variety sometimes known as Monstera. Heartleaf philodendron with its heart-shaped leaf is a long-time, popular favorite.

All types of philodendron prefer consistent, moderate lighting, so artificial lighting is the best choice. They also need a consistently warm temperature, so plan to keep your bathroom between 75° to 85° degrees Fahrenheit.

8.Mother-In-Law Tongue | Snake Plant

The snake plant will do well in light levels ranging from low to bright indirect lighting. It will also do very well with fluorescent or grow lights. It is fine in most humidity levels and needs infrequent watering. A favorite plant for bathroom settings.

9. ZZ Plant

ZZ is a drought tolerant plant, but it will do best if you water it thoroughly when the top inch of the soil becomes dry. If you do forget and it begins to drop leaves, give it a good watering, and it is sure to bounce back.

ZZ has thick, glossy, dark green leaves that grow on long fronds. It is a very attractive plant that attains a maximum height of two feet.

10. Peperomia Plant aka The Radiator

The Peperomia plant with about 1,000 species has been popular as a small houseplant for decades. With all the species available only a handful are grown commercially.

One of the most popular species with many sports and cultivars is Peperomia obtusifolia (baby rubber plant). Sometimes called the baby rubber plant, Peperomias make nice additions to a bathroom.

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