9 Top Tips for a Bathroom That Cleans Itself

Ditch Bar Soap: Opt for wall-mounted soap pumps or dishes to free up valuable sink or shower space. This switch minimizes the mess caused by soap residue on bottles and soap bars, making cleaning day less daunting.

Tub Rinse: After every shower, take a mere 10 seconds to rinse the tub and flush away any residue from the drain. This simple step prevents soap from drying and hardening into stubborn soap scum, which can be a real hassle to clean later on.

Embrace Technology: Consider investing in a mopping robot like the Braava Jet, designed to navigate tight spaces and clean 150-200 square feet of floor per day. While $169 may seem like a steep upfront cost, the prospect of not having to scrub floors indefinitely can be priceless.

Keep Sinks Dry: Water is the enemy when it comes to maintaining a sparkling bathroom. After brushing your teeth or washing your hands, take a moment to dry the sink. This small action goes a long way in preventing mold and mildew growth, as these unwelcome visitors thrive in moist environments.

  1. Switch to Liquid Soap: If you’ve been struggling with soap scum and residue from solid soap bars, consider making the switch to liquid soap or body wash. This simple change can thwart mold growth and streamline your cleaning routine.

Don’t be swayed by flashy TV commercials that promise miraculous results; sometimes, products live up to the hype, but often, a few simple, consistent cleaning practices can make all the difference in maintaining a clean and fresh bathroom.

picture credit: istockphoto

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