How to Make a Snake Plant to Bloom (Highly Fragrant & Rare)

When I saw my first Snake Plant blossom, it was a beautiful sight. The petals on this plant were so delicate and pretty – something you would never expect from such an unassuming looking bush!

The Sansevieria plant is a popular houseplant for its large, colorful flowers. If you’re looking to start your own collection of plants at home, or have questions about how to care for snake plants then this article can help!

Snake Plant Flowers

Snake plants are perfect for those who want to have an easy-care houseplant that can tolerate neglect during winter. There is no need to water them or check on their needs; just let the plant sit in its pot and wait until you’re ready again!

The Snake Plant, or Mother in Law’s Tongue is a flowering plant. Though it may seem rare that these flowers will appear inside your home the hardy present houseplant can sometimes flower!

The only exception being for Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’ aka Bird’s nest plants; they do not bloom but have beautiful leaves instead.

What Do The Flowers Look Like?

When the mother in law’s tongue plants bloom, they can grow as tall and erect flower stalks that are strewn with small flowers. These stalks may reach up to 3 feet (1 meter) high!

Each stalk can produce dozens of tubular flower buds that resemble honeysuckle or lily flowers. They are narrow-petaled and grow in clusters with a sweet scent.

And the snake plant can rarely have more than one flower stalk. Some flowers grow at their base near soil line, while other varieties don’t even have flower stalks, the flowers grow straight from the base in large clusters.

The flowers of Sansevieria Trifasciata are usually cream, greenish white. Some species even produce bright red blossoms!

Though these flowers are slender, elegant and beautiful but they typically don’t have the sturdiness to be used in flower arrangements. It’s best just enjoy them where you see them!

Fragrance Of The Snake Plant Blossom

Snake plants have a special aroma that is difficult to put into words and furthermore distinct for each species. The flowers of these plants are richly fragrant, with an alluring smell you can’t help but notice as soon as walk in the room.

The fragrant blossom smells especially strong at night. The flower closes during the day and opens again after dark.

The nectar from each blossom is like a river of honey that flows down the stem. It looks stunning to watch, but sometimes, it can make a mess. So, whenever you notice the nectar flowing down from the plant, add paper towels around your pot.

The strong smell of flowers and sweet nectar is a common attraction for pests. If you have your plant potted in an indoor pot, don’t take it outside during this time as bugs will surely come looking to investigate the tempting odor!

When Do The Sansevieria Plants Flower?

Flowering usually happens in early spring. The flowers can last for up to two weeks and flourish in the warm springtime atmosphere of your home or workplace. It may be hard predict when this particular type will bloom again so you’ll want keep an eye out!

The plant will never produce flowers on a rosette that has previously flowered. When the blossom dies down, cut off its stalk and you’ll maintain your neat and tidy appearance for future stalks!

What Makes The Plants Bloom?



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