Baking Soda Is A Gardener’s Best Friend – Here Are 14 Nifty Uses In The Garden

  1. Compost and Soil

In two cups filled with soil you put vinegar in one and in the other you put baking soda and see which one bubbles. The one with the vinegar bobbles then the ph is above seven or alkaline, but if the other one bubbles that means the soil is acidic.

By sprinkling baking soda on top of the file you are decreasing the intense odor.

  1. Taste and look of the plants

By sprinkling baking soda on the soil you are making the tomatoes taste better.

Water begonias, hydrangeas, and geraniums with two quarts water and one tablespoon baking soda in order to stimulate the blooming.

To grow your lilies, iris’s, geraniums, and daisies add baking soda when you water them.

  1. Cleaning

To clean the decorations in your garden use warm water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda and simply scrub them. Baking soda is also very useful when you are cleaning your walkways.

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