Cinnamon: Your Plant’s Secret Weapon

Cinnamon, the warm spice we love in our kitchens, is also a fantastic ally for your plants. Its aromatic properties and natural antifungal qualities make it a versatile tool in the garden.

Why Cinnamon is Good for Plants

  • Fungal Deterrent: Cinnamon is a natural fungicide, helping to prevent damping-off in seedlings and other fungal diseases in mature plants.
  • Insect Repellent: The strong scent of cinnamon can deter many common garden pests like ants and gnats.
  • Aids in Rooting: When used on plant cuttings, cinnamon can help promote root growth and prevent rot.
  • Soil Health: Sprinkling cinnamon around the base of plants can help improve soil health by inhibiting fungal growth.

How to Use Cinnamon on Your Plants


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