How to Avoid Black Nails After Gardening: Grandparents’ Secret Method

4. Use a Gardening Nail Brush


After gardening, it is advisable to use a nail brush to gently remove any dirt that may have settled under the nails.

It is recommended to do this under running water to facilitate the cleaning process. This simple and effective method will help keep nails clean and free of soil residue.

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5. Take Care of Hands and Nails

It is important to take care of hands and nails in general. Regularly moisturize hands with nourishing creams, use cuticle oil to keep cuticles hydrated and healthy, and protect nails with clear polish or strengthening polish.

These practices will help keep nails stronger and less susceptible to stains and damage.

6. Use a Protective Tool to Prevent Black Nails After Gardening

To avoid direct contact between nails and soil, it is possible to use a protective tool such as a garden trowel or spoon.

This tool can be used for digging, transplanting, or harvesting without getting your nails dirty. Remember to clean the tool after each use to prevent the spread of diseases between plants.

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