How to Make a Snake Plant to Bloom (Highly Fragrant & Rare)

Despite the tough appearance of this plant, it is actually quite delicate to make the plant deliver flowers. There is also lack of information regarding what exactly makes Sanseveria plants bloom.

Some plants don’t flower even after caring for decades. On the other hand, a few can blossom every year in spite of frequent neglect and are often times happier when given just enough attention without over-doing it with love!

Snake plants are one of the easiest houseplants to take care of. They need infrequent watering and a little bit of sunshine to thrive.

The following conditions might help you increase your chances of your snake plant flowering:


It isn’t really known if plants need to be of certain minimum age in order to produce blooms. Anecdotal cases show that even smaller, couple years old plants can flower annually! However, the older they get – and with patience- there are better chances for a beautiful display each season.

Mature, well-grown specimens are more likely than young or inexperienced ones because they have developed optimal growing conditions and can take advantage of them with less risk for failure.

Pot Condition

What does it mean that snakes plants produce flowers when they are “mildly stressed”? The logic behind this is simple.

If you leave a pot of these on their own with plenty of bright light and little water, then over time roots will grow more quickly and therefore, become root-bound. The plant produces flowers in order to try and generate new shoots when there is no space.

Crowded conditions for plants can make them flourish, but it’s not guaranteed.

Another thing to keep in mind is, each rosette of a snake plant can bloom only once. So if you want blooms every year then it’s important that these plants are given the necessary conditions for growth and development.


The Sansevieria plant is one of the most interesting plants out there. It stores water in their leaves, so they don’t need to be watered often!

In winter months it can go for months without any care at all – just make sure that during the growing season you give them enough moisture with watering and let their soil dry out before giving another drink.


The mother in law’s tongue plant is a great houseplant for those who are looking to brighten up their homes. It doesn’t have to be direct sunlight, and these plants can tolerate some indirect sun as well!

Place them near an east or west facing window so they get enough light throughout the day while still being away from harsh noon-time rays that would scorch its leaves.


Sansevieria are a type of plant that can withstand the cold, but they need to stay indoors during winter.

If it’s not too harsh where you live then move them outdoors after the last frost, and place them in a partly sunny location. If the winters in your area are not very harsh, you can keep a snake plant outside all year round.


You can use the soil-based or ready to use potting mixes. You could also add some compost and manure if you wanted, which would provide your plants with nutrients while encouraging microorganisms growth in it as well!

Will The Snake Plant Die After Flowering?

Sansevieria are not monocarpic, which means they won’t die after flowering and setting seeds. The flowers can be very attractive to insects or other animals that may want a snack on them but this shouldn’t cause any problems for your plant!

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