The Elusive Snake Plant Flower: How To Get Your Snake Plant To Bloom


The age of the plant plays a large role in when and if your snake plant flowers. Sometimes, younger plants can bloom, but this is extremely rare.

Older more established plants have a higher chance of producing blooms under the right conditions.

Established plants also are more prone to become root or pot-bound, which increases the stress of the plant.  When snake plants are exposed to enough light but are neglected, they tend to take up the available space in the pot and more. The reduced space causes the snake plant to shift its energy away from producing leaves to producing blooms.

Snake plant flowers are so rare, not many know the plant even blooms. These flowers sometimes appear out of nowhere or for no reason.

Snake plants require little care to thrive, and some even theorize that neglect helps the plant bloom. Ultimately, patience and meeting this plant’s light needs, with a bit of healthy stress added in, can result in the sweet, elusive white blooms.

Keep in mind that these flowers have a strong aroma and produce thick, sticky nectar. This nectar tends to attract pests and can cause quite a mess. Other than that, these rare blooms are a true treat when and if your snake plant decides to flower.

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